Saturday 14 January 2012

Mahindra Duro Dx 125 road test

The Mahindra Duro is based on the now defunct Kinetic Nova. Recently, they were introduced to the upgraded version of Mahindra Duro that will be sold alongside the current version. The new version is christened as the Mahindra Duro Dx 125 (phew!!) and when launched, it will be positioned as a higher version of the current Duro. The new version gets some appreciated and far needed changes thus making it as a pleasant alternative to the Honda Activa and Suzuki Access. Mahindra two Wheelers has worked on the Duro with the customer feedback in mind. They were told that the company has been doing some check runs with customers to gauge the kind of response the upgraded scooter gets. This all basically says that the manufacturer appears to be working overtime. 


1 comment:

  1. No Doubt Mahindra Duro is a good Scooter in India. A ‘Made for Everyone’ Scooter. Thanx for sharing informative information about Mahindra Duro.
